January 1st every year
1:00 PM
Auke Rec main shelter.
The Polar Bear Dip is an unofficial, decades-old annual community tradition in Juneau, AK. Per tradition, it takes place every New Years Day at 1:00 PM at the Auke Rec main shelter on Lingít Aaní -gunalchéesh!
- Bring warm clothes and a towel (prevent frostbite after you get out!).
- Flipflops usually fly off as soon as you hit the water. Use old shoes, booties or Chacos.
- Arrive at least twenty minutes early, parking disappears fast and it's a long walk from your car to the beach and you need time to change.
...and Big Thanks to Capital City Fire/Rescue for keeping everyone safe, and to US Forest Service Juneau Ranger District for accommodating the event.