100th Anniversary
Lest we forget
This site documents the efforts of Alaska's capital city to remember and honor, on its 100-year-annversary, the worst maritime disaster in this region's history. It was a collective effort by multiple organizations, including the Princess Sophia Committee (with great assistance from the Pioneers of Alaska); the Orpheus Project; the Alaska State Libraries, Archives and Museum, and others; as well as many individuals who, by themselves, saw the importance of remembering the suffering caused by this disaster. We hope that in bringing attention to this tragedy, this event and others like it with a diminished presene in public memory may find greater acknowledgement and respect. Particularly in lands that were the first home of far fewer peoples than now inhabit them, the task of remembering and respecting multi-generational traumas is paramount. On this centennial anniversary, with respect to all such traumas, we remember those lost on the S.S. Princess Sophia, and those who gave so much of themselves to address the aftermath. Remember the Sophia.